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TransPorter - это мобильное приложение для перевозки грузов, эвакуации легковых автомобилей и мотоциклов. Приложение полностью свободное, так что любо

16.2 MB
Telepod 33

Book an e-scooter and zip around Singapore effortlessly! Explore and travel in a refreshingly new way at just $0.09 per min. It's hard to say no to th

55.43 MB

Traveling experiences become magical and incredible with Soso Waka You will be free of traveling hassles: *Planning all travelling activities at finge

9.77 MB

Important: the application can work without Internet connection! This is a unique application where you can choose better map for your region, use nav

5.06 MB

- GPS Speedometer - Speed Tracker free application. - Track your traveling speed by GPS Speedometer. Features: - Your speed will shown in animating Sp

2.16 MB
Caronaê 3.0.2

O aplicativo oficial de caronas da UFRJ O Caronaê é um sistema de código aberto, seguro e prático de caronas compartilhadas, composto por pontos de ca

7.52 MB

Take a photo of printed text, and this app extracts the text and translates it for you. More than 100 languages supported. *Free trail of 6 images and

8.47 MB

Aplikasi ini memudahkan anda dalam mengatasi masalah pada rangkaian kelistrikan mobil anda, diantaranya : 1. STARTING & CHARGING SYSTEM - BATTERY,IGNI

4.66 MB

What is it? This app is a viewer for passes - a pass could be a e.g. boarding-pass for your next flight, a coupon for a nice hot beverage on the desti

2.91 MB

GoCar Malaysia is a car sharing platform where you can reserve, unlock, and access a car anytime from your smartphone by using our app — an alternativ

14.76 MB
GlaD Driver 0.8.3

GlaD Driver adalah aplikasi khusus untuk para mitra dengan berbagai layanan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti pengiriman barang, antar pelanggan ke

11.74 MB

Aplicativo de mobilidade urbana voltado para os taxistas da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, visando fortalecer a prestação de serviços da cate

29.4 MB
Longdo Map 1.2.0

Longdo Map - the local map of Thailand. Access to the largest crowdsourced POIs information in Thailand! In addition to basic street info, traffic inf

7.2 MB

AzNav is an application that is installed on your phone, GPS-navigator and / or tablet. This application is for route planning, implementation and nav

76.15 MB

O SPTaxi é o aplicativo oficial da Prefeitura de São Paulo para solicitar corridas de forma fácil e segura. Você define o endereço de destino e como d

14.03 MB
Tak A Trip 1.18

Tak A Trip was built with the needs of travelers in mind: you can use it to compare fares from hundreds of airlines and agencies, allowing you to get

11.85 MB

Live Roads, is a revolutionary mobile navigation platform featuring Full Detail 3D Cars, HD Maps and Lane-Level Navigation. The app empowers users to

79.93 MB

Digital Nomad? Freelancer? Indie dev? Blogger? Just love coffee shops?? Then Coffee-Working is for you! Coffee-Working help's you find the best places

7.29 MB

全国各地のICカード乗車券の「残高照会」「履歴確認」を中心に、カードによっては「改札履歴」「チャージ履歴」「ポイント履歴」などを確認できる、高性能なアプリケーションです。 電子マネーの履歴や残高照会にも対応しています。 乗降の履歴、チャージの履歴、残高を、「正規にNFCに対応した」スマートフォンやタ

7.63 MB

Save yourself the worries or extra kilometres that may lie ahead as you do your Camino de Santiago (Saint James Way) with this new app! A hostel that

24.92 MB