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Итоги 75514 загрузок В последней версии

BrightNotes is note taking made easy without complexity. Keep what you have in mind with the sleek, easy-to-use notepad. From the beautiful app design

7.42 MB

You could configure which apps are allowed to show toast notifications. If an app creates a toast it will be collected and added to the list.You could

1.28 MB
绿色公约 1.0.2

1.82 MB
Palette 2.1.1

调色板——为开发者编写的颜色小工具。✔ 支持ARGB调整、HSV拾色、直接输入(RGB或HEX)、名称搜索(中文和英文)✔ 提供实时RGB值、HEX值、HSV/HSB值(HSL值)和CMYK值(CMY值)转换✔ 数十种默认颜色可参考,如标准16色、Android Holo风格系、Material D

114.33 KB

A tool to scan nearby Bluetooth devices.This app can get the devices' name, MAC address, signal strength, etc and display on your screen automatically

1.68 MB
简翻译 1.8

475.37 KB
PlayStation 1.0.0

It is a theme with figures. Designed with Theme Creator for Xperia.

706.46 KB
君何在 1.1.4

9.25 MB
StuffMerge 1.8.877

Have you ever had a problem composing your message with included links or texts from browser, another mails, sms and so on?Are you bored of switching

8.64 MB
Newsmart! 1.6.3

12.87 MB

13.16 MB
Orchid X 6.0.1

4.98 MB
简约天气 1.0.2

616.72 KB
LaiFeng Show 3.6.0

优酷土豆集团重磅推出视频直播平台,就等你了。 没有妹子陪?想要帅哥疼?每天都让你挑花眼。 不想玩传统秀场只有送礼这么枯燥?来疯里有各种互动方式等你体验。 看腻了草根主播?在这里每天都有各类演出和节目,绝对让你大饱眼福。 这里有非洲黑土著,也有制度和女仆。文能提笔写情书,武能上床蹲马步。 在来疯,有卖

24.1 MB

!!! You need an android wear watch with a speaker to use this app !!! Get Smart alerts on your watch when you receive notifications on your phone Ha

14.85 MB
面馆表情 2.3.5

10.37 MB

6.72 MB

30.36 MB
漫画岛 4.1.60

26.1 MB
节操精选 4.5.2

10.63 MB