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this is a SIM Tool Manager with dark theme! MAIN FEATURE: View sim card information. Import/Export phone number. Delete/Add new phone number. Multy de

3.81 MB

Displays current speed on a digital/analog speedometer, keeps track of your top speed and average speed. Speedometer also allows you to easily switch

9.62 MB

熱血少年動漫風再現,邊玩邊追新番! 豐富多元的養成玩法,事不宜遲展開熱血修行! ▼修行 顛覆傳統養成概念,修煉獨一無二的神侍! 自由決定角色數值與千變萬化的祭能搭配! 多元養成,打造超強開外掛的動漫主角! ▼冒險 在豪華聲優在奇幻國度展開壯大冒險! 高難度指令戰鬥自由切換戰鬥策略! 與巨大BOSS展

79.32 MB
CoopVoce 2.14

Entra nel mondo CoopVoce con la nostra nuova App. Nuova grafica, nuove funzioni e servizi per gestire in modo semplice e diretto le tue linee. Scopri

52.29 MB
Next VPN 3.1.23

Next VPN is a Premium VPN Service by VPN Makers Features: - Includes Cisco OpenConnect, OpenVPN and sslVPN as VPN based protocols - Includes Tunnel+ a

17.07 MB

With this app you can save pictures and videos directly from: Instagram app (photos and videos) How to use : 1. Make sure You have Instagram app insta

3.35 MB

Aplikasi ini memudahkan Anda dalam mengecek sisa pulsa dan sisa kuota internet yang Anda miliki saat ini. Hadir dengan beragam fitur: - Otomatis mende

3.1 MB

Have you ever wanted custom Maps for Minecraft Pocket Edition game? This app lets you have those custom maps! Maps are downloaded and installed automa

4.6 MB

363.34 KB

Play games with elves in jetpacks, rolling gumballs, sleighs powered by rockets and many more. Once the 24th arrives, follow Santa in his journey arou

10.2 MB

シリーズの世界観はそのままに、アプリ版ならではのQMAがスマートフォンでいつでも楽しめます。 豊富なクイズをソロプレイやマルチプレイで楽しめるのはもちろん、キャラクターの強化や、個別ストーリーなどのやり込み要素が豊富に詰め込まれたQMAをプレイしよう! 【プロローグ】 かつて、この世界は“瘴気”と呼

57.85 MB
Finger Timer 1.0.6

Finger Timer is a speedcubing/speedstacking timer in your pocket! It's a simple and elegant timer app that you must have! [HOW TO USE] 1. Put your fin

9.59 MB

This is the simplest App to get your Device ID & SIM Card information and share with your friends or on your email for future use and it is very usefu

5.22 MB

Add audio profiles / sound profile (volume, vibration, ringtone, specific contacts and specific apps management). Full control of Priority Calls and P

3.26 MB

3.87 MB
BifrostV 0.6.4

BifrostV is a V2Ray client for Android. Support VMess、Shadowsocks、SOCKS protocols. Project V: https://www.v2ray.com/en/ V2Ray Features: Multiple proxy

14.25 MB

Flash Player For Android & Plugin - SWF and FLV ? is a free Plugin for Flash Player On Android phones, and you can find all the useful information hel

3.7 MB
B1 Archiver 1.0.0130

B1 is an all-in-one archiver application.B1 Archiver can:* Decompress ZIP, RAR, B1, as well as 34 other formats.* Create password-protected ZIP and B1

16.51 MB

Funny Farm Blast is a super-addictive shooting game. It has tons of cute animal characters, bringing you the ultimate cowboy fun.4 unique characters a

27.1 MB

70.83 MB