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Hyper Plinko 1.1.2

48.14 MB

تطيبق مركز دراسات الكتاب المقدس يحتوي على تفاسير الكتاب المقدس لأشهر المفسرين مثل وليام ماكدونالد، هنري أيرونسايد، ناشد حنا وغيرهم وأيضا على بحث متقدم

49.56 MB
行動輔英 2.2.6

「行動輔英」是由輔英科技大學規劃設計,運用智慧型手機與雲端技術,使師生與校友可以即時掌握本校最新訊息,並藉由校園地圖導覽及行動影音分享,讓來賓訪客可以快速深入瞭解輔英與獲得在地資訊。透過這項APP的服務,逐步推展學習、生活及圖書行動化服務。 功能項目: 一、 本校最新消息、認識輔英。 二、 校園(A

9.62 MB
Farm Dog 1.5.5

Farm Dog was named one of CropLife's "Top 20 apps for 2020 and Beyond" and one of agriculture.com's apps "You Shouldn't Farm Without." Farm Dog saves

10.63 MB

Zuppometro rappresenta un modo semplice, per gli appartenenti alle FF.OO., di salvare e consultare i propri turni di servizio e calcolare automaticame

23.65 MB

Taxi.de Dispatch is an app installed to your drivers to manage your fleet and bookings. It’s fast, reliable and simple to use. Create your account to

19.38 MB

FREE edition for a limited time **DISCLAIMER This app is not the official Viore app. It was designed with care to try and bring Viore users an overall

26.69 MB

FREE edition for a limited time **DISCLAIMER This app is not the official Gree app. It was designed with care to try and bring Gree users an overall b

26.44 MB

MyOffice® Documents is a free all-in-one mobile office suite that lets you create & edit text documents and spreadsheets in DOC, DOCX, ODT, XLS, XLSX,

65.11 MB

Written for hand and machine quilters, McCall's Quilting publishes original projects of both heirloom patterns and seasonal designs with beautifully i

103.01 MB

※ 公開再開のお知らせ ※  ※ 一時公開を終了していた「ニコ生コメントビュアー」ですが、 ※ メンテナンスする機会がありましたので、再公開します。 ※ ただ、作者自身がニコ生を使わなくなったことから、コメント投稿等、 ※ 多くの機能を削除しました。 ※ 予めご了承くださいませ… ※ ニコニコ生放送

1.78 MB

Вы стали участником клуба “Счастливчик Страны”. Обращения по всем вопросам можно отправлять через данное приложение. Вы стали участником клуба “Счастл

15.73 MB

This App displays a blank white screen without requesting any permissions. Keeps your screen on unless you close it.

1.25 MB

This app provides a full list of commands for Siri which is built into Apple's products beginning with iPhone 4S. Our Commands for Siri app, is a free

4.04 MB
Sales 7.88

Sales Force app

9.55 MB

Features: * Make estimates and invoices easily and send to your customers. * Create and manage unlimited estimates and invoices. * Create and manage u

3.49 MB
Yuva 7.7.5

Yuva is a Marathi magazine published monthly. This magazine is based on current topics and tries to encourage the younger generation. It provides fair

11.71 MB
KopieID 2.2.0

Do not just give someone your ID or a copy of your ID. With the KopieID app, you can protect your identity details. Use KopieID to make a safe copy of

10.16 MB

Multi Language Translator Free One language input and two output languages. The most anticipated translation tool translates to two languages ​​simult

51.9 MB

Mal wieder fast die Müllabfuhr verpasst? Mit der neuen, kostenlosen Abfall-App des Landratsamts Ravensburg kann das nicht mehr passieren. Die App erin

3.54 MB