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SE RECOMIENDA UTILIZAR LA NUEVA FUNCIONALIDAD TAPATALK DEL FORO. Aplicación móvil que permite navegar y responder a mensajes del foro de la ACB (http:

980.45 KB

Metal Detector is an Amazing tool that uses magnetic sensor to find the metal surrounding you. Turns your cell phone into a real metal detector making

1.22 MB

Control your Behringer X AIR series mixer with your smartphone or tablet. WARNING: THIS APP DOES NOT PLAY ANY SOUND! IT'S FOR REMOTE CONTROLLING ONLY!

10.26 MB
FobApp 1.04

The FobApp allows you to conveniently update access rights over the air to an iLOQ Key Fob. Get connected to an iLOQ Key Fob using an Android and BLE

3.29 MB

Simply point your device towards the sky and this application will display the names of the stars, constellations and planets. You can check the orbit

4.52 MB

Battery Life Extender helps you keeping your device battery in a healthy charge range in order to get a much longer battery lifespan. This range is by

1.39 MB

¡Ya está aquí! Tras meses de desarrollo y pruebas lanzamos una nueva actualización en la que hemos tenido en cuenta los comentarios recibidos durante

27.81 MB

25.58 MB

배송원 실사용에 초점을 둔 맞춤형 앱! -오더별 클릭 최소화 -뛰어난 가독성 -간편한 오더접수-수행 -오더상태별 정확한 구분 -다음지도 위치기반 서비스 -근거리 배차 서비스 -고객평점반영 배차서비스 -주야간 모드 설정가능 대한민국 최고의 배송기사솔루션 로드파일럿 배송원

12.44 MB

4.76 MB

The WunderLINQ Device Firmware Update (DFU) App is used to update your WunderLINQ firmware.

760.33 KB
Wid Made 2.1

12.7 MB

« TOPNET APP » disponible gratuitement en version Androïd sur Google Play. Cette nouvelle solution, simple, pratique et intuitive vous donne accès à d

6.1 MB

3.8 MB
HxLauncher 2020.5.31

This is an application launcher. It has the functionality to start your applications quickly by voice commands. Please watch this video for more detai

11.04 MB

Hector the walrus will helps you to translate texts into morse code and play it ! Just type a text, and see the translation in real time. Then you can

2.54 MB

10.55 MB
First Electric

The First Electric Cooperative app is a new and improved way to manage your account. Make a payment, view usage and billing information, notify us of

10.39 MB
Escalas CP 2.17.8

Esta aplicação permite gerir o serviço diário, baseada na repetição do mesmo ao longo de X dias ou Y semanas, permite visualizar o seu serviço e o dos

6.82 MB

This app is called Battery Charge Alarm. It's completely free, no ads. It's only job is to play an alarm when your device charges up to (or discharges

1.84 MB