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Convertir les grammes en Grains et inversement Convert grams to Grains and vice versa

3.84 MB
PipocolandiaXD Movies pipocolandia.xd.v2.2.1

20.27 MB

Guide For Lulubox Free Skin - Free Diamonds for FF this just a guide app for Lulubox apk. This guide is made for Lulubox players! Our guide contains t

5.08 MB

DNS Hero let you inspect DNS zones easily. This app will give you information about the root nameserver, nameservers associated with the domain and va

4.1 MB
Media Merger 1.2.109

Utitily moves /sdcard/DCIM/* and /sdcard/Pictures/Screenshots to user specified folder. Use this app in conjunction with Syncthing to sync / backup fi

1.85 MB

Intrо Vіdео Mаkеr HD, Outrо Mаkеr, Intrо Tеmрlаtе Inсrеаѕе the vіѕіbіlіtу оf уоur brаnd оnlіnе by mаkіng uѕе оf оur сuѕtоm-mаdе free іntrо tеmрlаtеѕ.

47.53 MB

Reorder the order of the cards. Place the same color card from K to A and remove the card from the card stack. Drag and Drop cards to move to foundati

5.52 MB
QRScanner 1.2.2

To Scan or Generate QR Code & Bar-code adding to this the user can also view the history, to share & delete the QR code or Bar-code. How the App Works

5.59 MB

*THE MOST POWERFUL NAME PICKING APP FOR ANDROID, 100% FREE AND AD-FREE* Great for: ★ Choosing students to call on in class ★ Raffles and other prize g

2.08 MB

The new Vaillant serviceASSIST app completes the Vaillant service offering and enables Vaillant Advance partners to offer their clients first class se

33.16 MB

Apps for Android specific to Mongolia or some of the Mongolian cities like Ulaanbaatar, Erdenet, Darkhan, Choibalsan ... Fast, beautiful, easy to use

3.21 MB

G-Code2GRBL This App provides the interface between a tablet (10” preferred) and a GRBL CNC machine. The connection is using Bluetooth. The preferred

5.65 MB
Fame Destiny 0.0.1

14.14 MB
Report It! SMC

The Report It! SMC makes it easy to report illegal dumping directly to San Mateo County staff. You simply drop a marker on the map where you noticed a

10.42 MB
Oh Hell 3.2.0

13.25 MB
Fases da Lua 1.0.1

Agora você pode acompanhar as fases da lua diretamente do seu Android! Com uma interface fácil, amigável e objetiva você pode verificar a fase da lua

18.49 MB

Blink is a one-of-a-kind, battery-powered home monitoring system that’s simple to set up and equally perfect for renters and homeowners. Through this

20.41 MB

2.55 MB

WiFi Monitor is a powerful network analyzer that helps you to watch the state of WiFi networks by gathering data about its parameters."Network scannin

4.43 MB

7.51 MB