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Droidddle 3.6.0

Droidddle is a Dribbble.com client. Droidddle . designers share what they are doing★★★★★Features:★★★★★ * Search shots on Dribbble * Create shot on

6.15 MB
MLB News 1.1

192.39 KB
Pulse 4.2.7

Pulse by LinkedIn is the professional news app tailored to you. Pulse allows you to customize your news reading experience, easily explore compelling

12.84 MB
微读 2.4.1

微读-微信公众号专用阅读器; 荣获36Kr“#氪星年货# 2014年被你忽略的10款产品”推荐;荣获“PingWest”媒体推荐;荣获“少数派报告”编辑推荐;荣获“享应”编辑推荐;公众号文章专用阅读器,定制属于自己的订阅列表;沉浸式阅读精彩好文章,不再被微信消息打扰; 提供最好的阅读体验,一站式订阅

2.87 MB

6.27 MB
DuoKan HD 4.6.5

海量好书!极致体验!千万读者首选! 2014印象笔记全球开发者大奖中国最佳应用! 软件描述:1、海量精品图书尽情获取 拥有国内质量最高的精品电子书库,更有数万杂志和原创作品等您翻阅。 2、极致排版,完美展现 每部多看精品书都是资深编辑呕血之作,无论图文混排、绕排、画廊模式,还是拼音、公式,各种绚丽效

16.97 MB
FeedR 3.2

Powerful feed reader with optional Feedly Integration. Search & preview feeds; read offline with images, mobile view, customizable interface.rss|atom

2.11 MB
漫画帮 5.0.4


3.73 MB
RSS Reader 1.6.5

Simple RSS Reader application. It’s fast and clean, giving you the freedom to enjoy your favorite news.Features:- Import/export feeds (OPML)- Cache im

8.4 MB
Dash 2.0.2

Dash for reddit is a beautiful and intuitive client to browse reddit, the most popular social news site.Highlights:• Beautiful Material Design user in

5.93 MB
WhatsUp News 1.0.12

A new free light-weight independent news App. Support English, Chinese, German content.Support push-notifications with buildIn topics(updated pro App-

6.79 MB
Digg 1.19

"And now, with no warning, it's back—and it's beautiful." - GizmodoDigg delivers the most interesting and talked-about stories on the Internet. Power

3.96 MB

■ not affiliated with RocketNews24 Japan News - RocketNews24 brings you the latest news from Japan.• Cosplay• Tech• Weird News• Culture And much more!

3.64 MB

Current Version:1.1.1 Requires Android:1.6 and up Size:1.6MB V1.1.1 update: - Swipe left/right to navigate - Updated user inter

1.75 MB

【软件介绍】 「极客早知道」是极客公园的精品栏目之一。由极客公园的同学在你尚在休息时, 精心挑选编辑国内外重点新闻, 让你起床一睁眼就可以看到最新鲜热辣的科技资讯。「极客早知道」每次汇编 5 条重点新闻, 每天更新一篇。通过「极客早知道」的 Android 客户端你可以第一时间获得来自服务器的推送

2.63 MB

Have all your important news directly on your home screen! This app is just a customizable, simple widget which displays RSS feeds on your home scree

813.23 KB
巨细热点 3.6.3

巨细热点以社会类新闻(社会民生、八卦爆料、生活百科)为基础,以科技、通讯、电商等行业信息为核心的资讯类社交产品,用户可以自主订阅自己喜欢的行业内容,并能与有相同爱好的朋友相互交流。简而言之,巨细热点是一款个性化的资讯阅读社交产品。我们的特点:为您过滤出最新、最热的新闻我们的宗旨:事无巨细 悉究本末

7.46 MB

13.45 MB
知豆了 1.18

3.12 MB
Appy Geek 6.2.0

特别策划-最佳数码/游戏产品评选活动 _ _ _ _ _ _MR极客快讯-Appy Geek中文版全球科技新闻早知道!推荐理由: •全球500万IT达人都在看的资讯应用! •选择你最喜欢的栏目来定制你的新闻首页 •通过独有的标签系统来定位你的焦点 •全球超过1000余家签约新闻媒体及时提供

12.12 MB