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Итоги 22213 загрузок В последней версии

WomanLog is a menstrual and fertility calendar for women.User interface languages:English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Español, Português, Dansk, Ees

13.07 MB
Hydro+ 1.1.0

Hydro+ app reminds you to drink water and helps you stay hydrated every day. Water consumption calculator suggests you a goal to reach each day and cu

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Weather Timeline is a simple weather app that focuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours and the next week so you don't have to. It prese

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Easy Tie 1.5

495.9 KB

SMSmart simulates apps like news, yelp, maps, twitter, wikipedia, and stocks even when you don't have internet access. Featured in Lifehacker, Gizmod

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Solar 1.2

::: With over 2 million users, the most talked weather app is now available on Android :::Solar: An exquisitely designed weather app.No vector polygon

1.96 MB

不起床,发围脖求羞辱!据世界卫生组织统计,赖床综合症是二十一世纪三大疾病之首,患病率占世界人口87.53%,医学界对此疾病一直束手无策。 起床大作战是一款划时代的产品,海量的临床试验表明,起床大作战可以有效提高起床率300%,安全无副作用。它的工作原理非常简单,如果赖床,就自动发送一条微博帮您求羞辱

4.72 MB
Squats PRO 1.9.2

We’ve got that extra boost of motivation you need to knock out your best squat sets. Want strong, defined thighs and a firm butt? Download the Runtast

15.91 MB

世面上的Android日历软件层出不穷、屡见不鲜,但至今没有一款符合我的要求,干脆就自己开发了一个自用。本日历含有农历,以及黄历中宜忌数据,这些都是日常纸质台历的标准配置。本日历摈弃了那些花里胡哨的没用功能,没有添加事件功能,只是将纸质日历收入囊中。是居家旅行,嫁娶择日的必备利器。★ 支持农历显示★

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What is Simplest Reminder?It is the easiest to use reminder application in the whole Google Play Store.What does it do?Simplest Reminder allows you to

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1.21 MB
GanjiLife 2.8.5

赶集生活V4.5.1震撼发布! 1、过年回家不用愁,查火车票、找拼车上线了; 2、新增附近全职,方圆百里好工作,送上门来; 3、还有更多精彩:新增家政服务、车系筛选、手机号注册、发布可选多图… 4、性能优化:降低手机内存占用赶集生活是赶集网为手机用户精心打造的一款免费生活服务软件,可轻松发布

3.4 MB
Friday 16.4

Start fridaying to make your memories last forever !Friday is just like your brain. It captures events happening around you. The people you talk to, t

9.59 MB
噢粑粑 1.3.5

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ConvertIt! 3.1.1

Get the quickest and most intuitive Unit Converter on Google Play!ConvertIt! is optimised for smartphones and tablets and converts 1400+ units from 90

2.59 MB
TI-86 1

763.89 KB

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Shifu 1.9.1

★ One of the Best To Do App on Android : Life Hacker★'★ Featured by TIME Magazine ★★ Featured by Google on Play Store★★ Great example of Context D

7.36 MB

Add daily quotes to home screen, lock screenQuote widgets with complete customization option with lots of Custom stylist fonts and 4000+ best Widgets

2.34 MB