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لا داعي للحرمان من الطعام . مجموعة وصفات للرجيم والدايت تتضمن وصفات صحية، قليلة الدسم، خالية من الدسم، قليلة السعرات الحرارية، قليلة الكولسترول، قليلة

9.97 MB
LAFE 2.10.8

Este é o aplicativo LAFE. Com ele, além de consultar seus resultados, você terá acesso à informações e diferenciais de nossas unidades e exames. Saber

14.46 MB

Apakah Anda ingin mengetahui berat badan ideal Anda? Periksa dengan mudah dengan aplikasi ini. Ini akan menghitung dengan metode Body Mass Index (BMI)

2.31 MB

نادي الهلال صور الهلال نادي الهلال الهلال شعار الهلال شعار الهلال فريق الهلال صور نادي الهلال الجديد صور لنادي الهلال تويتر منبر الهلال موقع الهلال اخ

2.78 MB

An app for UW Infectious Disease fellows and faculty. Updates in this version include paging directory, login screen and smoother interface. Confused

11.33 MB

Often gardening be one of our options for greening the environment around our homes. We can plant a variety of flowers and other ornamental plants. Bu

10.75 MB

Hypnosis is very powerful healing tool. For effective result, you have to listen the app daily at-least for 90 days. The app will make you a deeply re

16.79 MB

KODAK SEREN Fit provides the professional sports guidance for your sport (Phone with Android 7.1 and above are supported, but the RAM need to be 1GB o

12.68 MB
Race Timer 1.0.4

This app turns your Android Wear smart watch into a fully featured sailing watch, with one important bonus feature: it vibrates! Keep your eyes on the

5.31 MB

There are many alternative treatments exists, but Herbs are widely accepted as a treatment method after Allopathy. Being natural Herbal remedies are f

5.14 MB

Kehamilan yang sering membuat tubuh cepat lelah membuat Anda ingin terus berbaring santai saja di sofa. Namun tidak bergerak aktif di masa hamil justr

2.98 MB

An app for connecting the residents of Agra to the Nagar Nigam and seeking citizen participation on keeping Agra clean under "Clean, Green and Healthy

4.71 MB

Lite version is limited to 15 min record. Feel free to submit new functions to add. For more info visit: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/10481

6.86 MB
twion® M24

twion App - THE CLEVER HELP FOR UNDERWAY It provides you with valuable tips and tricks for daily life with your Alber product. In case of a breakdown,

23.59 MB

Now you can also experience Alpine summers in 3D. A totally new approach to holiday planning: the interactive and photorealistic app showcases the reg

41.48 MB

This app contains treatment of all kind of female body diseases by various method like home remedies ,ayurveda,homeopathy and yoga. Female suffer from

3.66 MB

[Meditation Moment 2] This is the new version of Meditation Moment. - allows you to set the time you want for meditation - two music and three candle

40.73 MB

Waist Trainer 2017 is an app that help you to have a slim waist. A slim waist has always been considered one of the invariant symbols of feminine beau

12.22 MB

GPS Trip meter / Double odometer for classic rally, TSD (Time Speed Distance) rally Path export to Google Maps

1.54 MB

Ginger works wonders! It treats many health ailments. Wants to have a Healthy gut? Smooth digestion? lose weight? Alleviate allergy symptoms? Moisturi

5.17 MB