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Tennis Partners v0.1.11.beta

#TennisPartners (BETA) is the app from http://www.QuieroJugarTenis.com for Android! It will help you find friends to play #Tennis Also you can find te

2.95 MB

Like the cricketer, the tennis players are also have huge number of fan following. Many teenagers are taking this sport seriously and making it as the

3.38 MB

Con esta aplicación móvil podrás sacar el máximo partido al Club de Tenis Coslada desde tu Smartphone o tablet: - Consultar y apuntarte a todos los pa

2.83 MB

Con esta aplicación móvil podrás sacar el máximo partido a Conde Jackson Tenis Club desde tu Smartphone o tablet: - Consultar y apuntarte a todos los

3.06 MB
CTP EbroViejo ctp.ebroviejo

Desde el Club de Tenis Pádel Ebro Viejo les presentamos nuestra nueva y exclusiva aplicación para Iphone, Ipad y Android. Nuestro club está situado de

1.01 MB
Tietennis 1.0.14

Are you a tennis player? Are you a Pro Player, a Coach, a Casual Player or just a Fan? Tietennis is exactly what you need! It’s just like a social net

6.85 MB

'Tennis Edge Academy' is a new Tennis training App that helps players from all levels to improve and develop their technique using an interactive 3D v

16 MB
Tennis Bets 6.0.0

¡Apostar en el tenis nunca fue tan fácil! Aplicación que te ayudará en la tarea de apostar en el tenis. Haz más simple la tarea de analizar un partido

8.6 MB

Tennis Lesson Forehand, Backhand, Serve, Valley, Smashing, Grip... ATP Top 10 Player Lesson Video Full Match Video ATP News Rafael Nadal Novak Djokovi

1.95 MB

League For Tennis is a mobile app where sports and mobile technology come to play. This app will give tennis players from amateur to pro the ability t

7.19 MB

Central Court is the tennis app created by and for the TENISTS. Track your matches, compare your performance over time, connect with the community, an

12.41 MB
Tennis 1.1.4

Scoreboard - Tennis - Easy and fast. - Slide up/down score and touch time.

8.62 MB
Tennis Score 3.0.2

We will give you more professionalism and practicality for your tennis games. The app features a clean and efficient interface, our goal is a simple,

7.98 MB

"Paddel Tennis Wear" is an APP developed for Android Wear devices (smartwatch) that can be synchronized through Bluetooth with an Android device (phon

7.25 MB
QLIPP Tennis 1.4.13

The Qlipp Tennis Sensor allows every player to get an overview of their tennis game and easily compare and share with their friends. With real-time st

14.77 MB

If you want to learn to play tennis, this app is what you were looking for. Will allow you to learn the sport of tennis. Ideal for beginners and advan

1.78 MB

Table Tennis Rulez is your Android app to follow in real time all news, matches,videos,photos and much more about the Best Sport in the World. -It's l

2.53 MB

This app lets you or your coach/parent/friend enter the points during your match or practice and what shot you made when won or lost the point. You ca

1.33 MB

Want to get the latest tennis scores and news? Will your favorite tennis player win the tournament? Get all the latest tennis scores and news from one

2.94 MB
Tennis Chart 3.1.0

Store and compare your tennis match statistics and with Tennis Chart, learn over time how to improve your game. Each point in Tennis is built hit afte

1.23 MB