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сортировать : горячий обновление загрузок
Итоги 1269 загрузок В последней версии

4.69 MB

Convert exchange rates for over 160 currencies. type conversion amounts using a custom keypad.◎ Support 13 languages◎ 17 theme colors.◎ Support for ov

4.41 MB

Wind资讯股票专家是Wind资讯为移动用户推出的最专业的证券炒股软件。史上最强自选股,权威机构盈利预测,智能语音播报,全球市场行情,为移动手机用户开启全新炒股体验。+强大的自选股监控,行情、大事、新闻、公告四大功能清晰展现,股市盈亏即时跟踪,把财务报表和盈利预测装入手机,全方位贴合投资者需求 +

29.15 MB
MyStocks 8.7.3

The most complete, beautiful and simple app to follow stock market and financial markets.Get quotes of stocks, funds, ETFs, currencies,futures and mar

6.51 MB
Star Walk

Star Walk is the most beautiful stargazing app you’ve ever seen on a mobile device. It will become your go-to interactive star chart of the night sky,

86.95 MB

· Selected as a "Staff Favorite" by Apple· Featured by Apple in the RSNA 2008 Conference· Featured by Apple in the "What's Hot for iPad" section on th

2.21 MB

本软件是工商银行专为Android手机客户量身打造的移动金融创新产品,具备三大特征:丰富的产品功能: 工行短信银行为您提供自助开通、账户查询、转账支付、工银信使、信用卡业务、金融信息查询、客户设置等多项银行服务,全面满足您的移动金融需求。良好的用户体验: 工行短信银行为简化客户操作,避免客户记忆

2.17 MB

Fraction calculator with step-by-step operations and algebra. Shows results as you type. Graphical display of expressions with history. Use space to e

10.99 MB

3.43 MB
EStock 5.3.2

51.53 MB
Trackash 1.2

Trackash is a simple sleek 2 page expense manager. At user-end it's twitter for expenses with smarty pants.★ Type your transaction ★ Specify Income o

3.72 MB


20.68 MB
MoneyWise 5.0

Using MoneyWise electronic checkbook you can easily keep track of your everyday expenses and keep an eye on your cash flow. No more overdrafts!MoneyWi

4.64 MB

From the success of Maths Formulas app, Physics Formulas has been developed and released to help users quickly refer to any Physics formulas for their

7.11 MB

Word of the Day sends a new word to your android phone and android wear device once a day. Users are encouraged to share vignettes of the words on soc

4.45 MB

15.81 MB

新浪網是一家服務於中國及全球華人社群的領先在線媒體及增值資訊服務提供商。新浪公开课安卓客户端为你带来不断更新的全球知名大学和机构的讲座视频。视频配有中英文双语字幕,让你轻松上网淘课。从计算机科学到心理学 ,从欧洲历史到线性代数,通过新浪公开课客户端,您可以把来自哈佛,耶鲁,麻省理工以及TED等全球顶

2.96 MB
盛付通 2.1.0

5.47 MB
xPense 1.0

xPense lets you track your expenses with ease. Minimalistic Holo interface, beautiful colors, large input buttons for expense value, different expens

789.27 KB
MxGTD 3.0.0

3.03 MB