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1.04 MB

แปลภาษา ไทยเป็นอังกฤษ มีเสียงพูด 2 in 1 แปลภาษาครั้งเดียว ได้ทั้ง Google translate และ Bing translate (Microsoft) แอพแปลภาษา รองรับแปลเป็นคำ หรือแปลเป

2.79 MB

Learn English , French and Spanish from one app This course is useful for everyone from beginner to advanced. You should download this app and try it

3.52 MB

- Simple Qamos, free dictionary (No Ads) . - Translate words from English to Arabic offline, without internet. - And for translate words from Arabic t

5.55 MB

Test Çöz uygulaması ile 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12. sınıf testleri çöz. Test Çöz sayesinde evde, yolda, okulda kısacası her yerde düzenli bir şekilde

6.25 MB

Go on a playdate with your favorite Sago Mini friends! Take a walk to a friend’s house and let the fun begin. Help Robin the bird fix a birdhouse, pla

82.92 MB

The advantages of the application: 1) Show each sora separately 2) Start from any page 3) Follow the reading by highlighting the aya 4) Trace finished

48.94 MB

★★ Beep Beep ~ Here Poli goes, move aside. Interesting Traffic Safety Game with Poli★★ Entrust traffic order and safey of village to Poli! Poli has be

18.97 MB

+++ OPEN EVENT +++ First ♪ Two books FREE in Camera & Puzzle categories Second ♬ Get ALL activity-books in cheap deal (75% SALE) ---------------------

27.95 MB

Самоучитель английского языка. Обучение составлению предложений. Часть 1: время "The Present Simple". Требуемый уровень знания английского: НАЧИНАЮЩИЙ

4.37 MB

1) ПРАВИЛА ПДД РФ. Правила дорожного движения Российской Федерации (с последними изменениями, действующая редакция) - Правила дорожного движения; - До

4.98 MB

以正體漢字編輯的可以離線使用的成語辭典。 ★ 正體漢字(繁體漢字,非簡體字轉換而來)。 ★ 共收錄條目二萬二千餘條,其中正文條目五千餘條,餘為附錄條目。 ★ 每個條目包括釋義、出處、拼音、注音、參考詞、近義詞、反義詞等內容。 ★ 正文條目更包含內容非常豐富的典源及典源說明。 ★ 支援漢字、通配符號?

11.67 MB

★어린이날 특가할인 이벤트 진행 중★ 언제 어디서나 브룸스 타운 구조대와 함께할 수 있는 로보카 폴리 전화! ★★★지금 ‘로보카 폴리 전화’ 설치하시면 통화 연결을 할 수 있는 무료 코인 30개를 이용자 모두에게 드립니다★★★ * 로보카 폴리 전화와 관련된 모든 문의는

19.93 MB

月極、更迭、定款、席巻、汎用、漸次、脆弱、督促... これを読めないと恥ずかしい?! ◆◇祝 150万ダウンロード突破!◇◆ 完全無料の漢字クイズアプリです。 ☆人前で恥ずかしい思いをする前に! 普段読めているつもりでも、意外と間違った読み方をしているかも? 中には今まで知らなかった漢字も!? 漢字

3.52 MB

뽀로로 첫 낱말놀이는 처음 말을 시작하는 아이들이 재미있게 한글과 영어 낱말을 배울 수 있는 교육 어플리케이션입니다. 7가지 주제의 사물들을 생생한 사진으로 익히고, 그 이름을 한글 또는 영어로 말하고, 읽고, 쓰면서 아이와 함께 즐거운 낱말놀이를 해보세요. [주요 기

23.79 MB
Pororo Talk 1.2.6

Now, you can make special memories with Pororo outside of TV. Present your children with special experience to interact with Pororo, now available out

33.23 MB

Welcome to ABC Doraemon! Celebrating the 80th anniversary of Fujiko.F.Fujio, the author of the renowned Japanese comic “Doraemon”, we bring to you and

48.54 MB
MathHero 1.1.1

With Math Hero you're shooting the math problem and get its detailed solution! How to use: - Take a photo of your formula or expression. You can also

2.53 MB

Learn French Speak French with Mawuood Academy This course is useful for everyone from beginner to advanced. You should download this app and try it w

4.32 MB

Ensemble de 60 jeux éducatifs (25 gratuits et 35 dans la version payante) pour les enfants de 3 à 8 ans permettant de découvrir ou de maîtriser les le

24.38 MB