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Итоги 20433 загрузок В последней версии
Ead+ 1.0.16

Nunca ficou tão fácil indicar amigos a estudar conosco e ganhar premiação, por isso, quem indica mais amigos e esses se matricularem efetivamente, gan

6.9 MB
Colégio Unificado 3.1.30.unificado

O aplicativo Colégio Unificado é a maneira mais simples, prática e segura para você participar da comunicação com a escola. Esqueça as ultrapassadas f

7.4 MB
M-Tutor 3.5.9

Thank you for using MTutor App! We are constantly working to bring you updates that make the app faster and more reliable. So keep your MTutor app upd

19.19 MB

Comunicação de forma Simplificada, Ágil e Estruturada. Efetividade e agilidade na comunicação com os Pais, e entre os colaboradores da Escola. Commu

34.67 MB

Phần mềm Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - English 11 mô phỏng toàn bộ các phần nghe theo sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh lớp 11 của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo. - Mỗi bài học c

50.01 MB

Learn Nepali from Master Ling! Our free Nepali language learning app is designed to make learning Nepali as easy and as fun as possible! Using a varie

47.57 MB

পৃথিবীর শ্রেষ্ঠ একশত মনিষিদের জীবনী নিয়ে রচিত হয়েছে monishider jiboni বা 100 monishi life history app টি। এই ধরণীতে কালের আবর্তে অনেক জ্ঞানী-গুণীজন, ধ

7.82 MB

namaz time bangladesh is a islamic educational app. salat times bangladesh is very much essential for every muslim need to prayers. we hope every musl

5.28 MB

পৃথিবীর দেশগুলোর তথ্য যতসব অবাক করা তথ্য নিয়ে সাজানো হয়েছে আমাদের এই বিখ্যাত বাংলা অ্যাপ obakprithibi , যা কিনা অনেকটা সাধারন জ্ঞান এর মতো। আমাদের এই

10.45 MB

আজকের বিশ্ব নিয়ে সাজানো হয়েছে এই সাধারন জ্ঞান বই অ্যাপটি। অতীত ও বর্তমান সময়ের নানা বিষয়াবলী উঠে এসেছে আমাদের এই সাধারন জ্ঞান বিজ্ঞান অ্যাপ এর মাধ্যমে

3.39 MB

Spelling Bee Pro is a fun learning App. Categories wise spelling. Images will appear as hint to spell correctly. All spellings are in US English. Text

6.3 MB

Driver-Start.com prepares you for BMV Commercial Driver Permit Knowledge Test for Ohio includes all OH. Download it for free. The app contains pdf Com

11.27 MB

Kidkonnect™ - The most popular choice in school Apps. Kidkonnect™ – The smartest way to connect schools , parents and teachers. Kidkonnect is availabl

9.02 MB

Big collection of islamic ringtones for phone and tablet. All high quality mobile ringtones are available for free download. App Features: ===========

10.48 MB

Kumpulan doa anak-anak muslim yang dilengkapi dengan terjemahan serta referensi hadist shoheh. Untuk mempermudah menghafal doa di bantu juga dengan fi

12.09 MB

AVS Central School

5.23 MB

আমরা মুসলিমরা কালেমাকে ৪ কালেমা বলেই জানি। খুব কম সংখ্যক মানুষই আছেন যারা ৫ কালেমা সঠিকভাবে বলতে পারেন। কালেমা বলতে গিয়ে বলবে যে সে পাঁচ কালেমা জানে আ

3.27 MB

Aplikasi lagu anak muslim ini gratis di download dan dapat di putar tanpa memerlukan koneksi internet. Sehingga anda dapat memutar dimana pun dan kapa

18.02 MB

Explanation Learning content to learn Hangul. You can hear images and sounds with words, and improve your skills through the game. Characteristic Cons

22.49 MB

Welcome to English to Sinhala Tamil offline and free dictionary with also available in English to Bangla online translator. Every day you'll receive w

15.1 MB