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Semua penyakit ini berisi informasi informasi rinci tentang penyakit, yang membantu Anda untuk memahami tentang penyakit yang mudah. Pilihan Pencarian

3.76 MB

Edulog’s Parent Portal Lite is a self-service app that allows you to track your child’s assigned transportation from his or her school. Know what rout

35.73 MB

*** First 7 lessons for free! *** 100 days to dialogue in a new language with Europe’s top language-learning method for beginners or false beginners.

43.26 MB

Official transcripts application for the Bilingual News podcast. Listeners are able to use transcripts while listening along with the podcast to study

35.55 MB

Bienvenidos a la App oficial del Ministerio El Amanecer de la Esperanza en el Bronx, New York. Juan Radhamés Fernández, Pastor Como ministerio cristia

24.53 MB

Welcome to the Official Desert Winds Community Church app! We are excited to share the great news of Jesus with the world, and to help you in your own

23.89 MB
Tigerhall 1.13.2

Tigerhall is a knowledge-sharing platform that connects today’s professionals to some of the most successful people in Asia. Think of it as a one-stop

24.26 MB
TIPS 4.4

Tips live is the mobile window for Tips parents. Parents will be able to register tickets regarding the school and also view the reply from the school

46.96 MB

Mit unserer App der Fahrschule Weiss sind Sie immer auf dem aktuellen Stand was es Neues gibt in unserer Fahrschule. Sie soll Informationen geben , re

32.78 MB

With UB Campus Virtual app you can access the main features of the University of Barcelona Virtual Campus anywhere through a mobile device. With this

18.12 MB

"「英辞郎 on the WEB」は、英語学習・英会話をはじめとする語学サービスの アルクが提供する無料(一部有料)の英語辞書(英和/和英辞典)アプリです。" ■英辞郎は以下のような目的で幅広く使われている英語辞書(英和/和英辞典)です ・中学生・高校生の英語文法の学習・受験勉強 ・TOEIC・TO

13.44 MB

【Free APP for stop baby crying】 To pray in one tap, Operation is simple! You can combine sound for each baby, because sounds can play multiple. This A

46.53 MB

国家資格「第2種放射線取扱主任者」試験の過去問題を学習できるアプリです。 無料で全機能をご利用いただけます。合格に向けて、ぜひご活用ください。 ■収録内容 日本アイソトープ協会が発行し好評を得ている過去問題集「第2種放射線取扱主任者試験 問題と解答例」の「法令」・「管理技術Ⅱ」2科目について、直近の

2.29 MB

Para recibir información como mensajes de pagos, tareas, circulares , seguimientos académicos , calificaciones graficadas y más. For information as

24.45 MB
The AUGMent 1.2.2

The purpose of this app is to use augmented reality (AR) as an interactive teaching pedagogy for users to better understand mental health symptoms suc

78.22 MB

PVP LOGICS QUANT - REASONING THE LEARNING APP is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and t

32.78 MB

Для студентов ПСПбГМУ (Первый Санкт-Петербургский государственный медицинский университет им. И.П. Павлова) Хотим представить мобильное приложение-рас

7.45 MB

Learn Bulgarian from 61 native languages, for free & offline, with FunEasyLearn. Learn to READ WRITE ✍ and SPEAK Bulgarian Discover the fun & easy w

89.47 MB
Star Academy

Star Academy is an online platform for managing data associated with its tutoring classes in the most efficient and transparent manner. It is a user-f

30.95 MB

- germana pentru incepatori - abecedar complet - dialoguri - gramatica - exrecitii de gramatica rezolvate si explicate (toate cu support audio) *aceas

3.22 MB