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** Only National (all India) and Punjab Jobs ** You Want To Update Jobs Daily Click Refresh Jobs[sync_now] button ** Provide latest government job ale

9.87 MB

This app contains all the required notes of Pakistan Studies including Mcqs, Question&Answers, Descriptive Answers etc. This app is only for Students

29.23 MB

This App also Includes Current Affairs, Job Notifications, Facts etc.., Subjects covered: - India (History,Geography,Economy,Polity) - World (History,

10.09 MB

Frontier jobs content no.1 govt. of india. job app for the frontier.

9.87 MB

General Knowledge McQs Guide specially designed for the students preparing for CSS, PPSC, FPSC, PMA and Armed Forces test.General Knowledge guide cont

1.59 MB

इस एप में पंजाब के २२ जिलो के सामान्य ज्ञान का समावेश किया गया है एप को हिंदी भाषा में बनाया गया है अमृतसर जिला Amritsar District भटिण्डा जिला Bathind

2.79 MB

منهج بريطانى لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية بطريقة الاطفال لكي يسهل التعلم صالح لفئة عمرية واسعة وذلك عبر اختيارك لمستواك المناسب تتراوح بين 4 الى 22 سنة، اع

1.51 MB

If you have a two to five years child then this app is only for you. You can digitally learn Arabic Alphabet with new way. This app Contain: # Audio w

2.12 MB

اظهار صوت الحروف العربية بطريقة سهلة وسلسة للاطفال الصغارعن طريق وضع الحروف فى لوحة عرض ثم الضغط على الحرف المراد سماع صوتة

4.96 MB

a Digital Design application "Logic Design" that teach Logic gates from scratch the app have a tutorials & simulation with some quizzes to test your k

17.64 MB
IC Volino Croce

-☆☆☆☆☆☆☆- Istituto comprensivo Volino Croce Arcoleo -☆☆☆☆☆☆☆-

10.03 MB
IC Bridge 1.9

Proficiency test of certain subject supplied by the professional association for recognition of individual ability and also as a bridge of internation

6.92 MB

sites des schémas électroniques réalisations des montages électroniques circuit imprimer des images détailler de toute les réalisations électroniques

10.05 MB
YesTronic 0.1

PIC is a family of microcontroller design by Microchip Technology company. The name PIC initially referred to "Peripheral Interface Controller". PICs

4.24 MB

We are making your digital reading of Mechatronics easier with customized features just for you. Mechatronics is combination of mechanical engineering

4.43 MB
AAA 2.5

At ALU, we resist the pressure to conduct tertiary education the way it has always been done. We challenge existing beliefs so that we only keep what

7.11 MB

This App provides sample programs of VHDL and verilog programming,you can use these programs as reference in learning basic concepts, Keywords are hig

2.83 MB
ICT 1.0

This app contain A/L IT short notes.I include short note such as Basic concepts of ICT Evolution of computers,Numeric data representation in computer,

5.08 MB

This app makes truth table.

1.77 MB

a Digital Design application "Logic Design" that teach Logic gates from scratch the app have a tutorials & simulation with some quizzes to test your k

2.28 MB