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このアプリは、日本数学検定協会 数検3級を題材とした 非公式の学習型無料アプリです。 数学検定3級は、中学レベルの算数といわれてます。 現在、毎日問題集などで勉強している方 通学時間や隙間時間でマスターしましょう! 復習用にカテゴリー毎に分けて出題してます。 一部難しい問題もありますが、難関私立高校

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数学3年 7.0.0

このアプリは中学3年で習う数学から、項目ごとに問題にしています。数論、数量 というように分野ごとに分かれていますので、習いたい項目だけ勉強ができます。中学生 勉強 アプリ 無料としてお使いください。 この問題は数学の元教師が厳選して作った問題なので、少ない問題数でも基本を抑えられます。 隙間時間を利

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このアプリは中学生 勉強アプリです。 中学校(特に中学1年生)で習うの数学を1問1答方式にして、隙間時間で普段の勉強の予習と復習と試験対策にができる仕様になっております。方程式を覚えるなど、中学生で数学でつまづいている方や、高校入試の基礎固め、定期テストや期末テストなどの普段の勉強や数学検定にもお使

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Thermodynamics is the study of heat, "thermo," and work, "dynamics." We will be learning about energy transfer during chemical and physical changes, a

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Cycles 1.2

Cycles is intended as an educational tool for learning how ideal thermodynamic power cycles work. It currently supports the Carnot, Diesel, Otto, and

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· App to solve problems and exercises from Thermodynamics Engineering books. · Quick and reliable calculations of steam tables of water, air, ideal ga

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Are you unknown at the subject of Thermodynamics Engineering? If yes, then you are at the perfect place. The app have very clear concept about the The

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This Application serves the purpose of providing effective and essential knowledge about the Mechanics & Thermodynamics in an easy and systematic mann

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Applied Thermodynamics: The App is designed for quick learning, revisions, references at the time of exams and interviews. As a part of mechanical eng

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The aim of this application is to provide readers/users with the basic knowledge needed in understanding Thermodynamics concept or topics. Targeted Au

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Thermodynamics notes app has been developed based on need of students before exams and for revision purpose.This app covers all the topics of basic Th

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Groundwater App 1.3.011

In three short chapters you learn, how groundwater originates, how we use it and why there is a link to rivers. Furthermore you can do experiments in

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You are dreaming of becoming an architectural engineering? not sure? Learn more about this great job architectural engineering. Find out how you can b

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Esta aplicación permitirá al usuario diferenciar los hidrocarburos: alcanos, alquenos y alquinos, a través de ejercicios de opción múltiple en donde p

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Mechanical production process notes for mechanical engineering students. Mechanical production process app almost covers important topics chapter wise

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Built for aspiring systems thinkers, Peak Oil 101 is an introduction to the basic forces that shape the behaviour of global oil production. Oil is cen

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GateApp 1.0.3

GATE stands for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering. You can get jobs in Government companies or can pursue for higher studies after clearing GATE e

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LDC Teacher provide end to end solution to crack LDC exam Examination Mode =============== Real LDC Exams with 100 questions, each exam has 50 questio

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App para consulta y estudio de la Constitución Española. Permite una cómoda visualización del Texto Constitucional con las modificaciones más reciente

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NacionalizaTest es la herramienta imprescindible para todas aquellas personas que van a realizar el examen de nacionalidad española (prueba CCSE: Cono

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