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A fabulous set of tutorials to get you going using Python. These are not ordinary "watch and repeat" tutorials that you traditionally find on the inte

3.68 MB
Translator 1.3.3

Translator is an easy-using translation app.It meets the norms of Material Design.You can use it to make translation between Chinese and English.Of cu

1.54 MB
BOINC 7.4.53

Use your phone or tablet to study diseases, predict global warming, or discover pulsars! BOINC harnesses the unused computing power of your Android d

14.89 MB
爽哥英语 2.2.9

爽哥英语是一款融合颠覆式教学理念和尖端语音评测技术的英语学习应用,通过情景化学习模式练习英语听说和阅读,引入了班级社群学习概念,每天体验真人口语对练和结伴学习的乐趣,更有无限的奖励机制,激发你的英语学习欲望,让你轻轻松松爱上飚英语。 情景化学习模式一改中国传统的被动式英语教学模式,通过积极主动地学习

22.38 MB
Spiral 1.1.alpha

Spiral is an easy to use student life planner developed specifically for University students.Spiral has an easy-to-use class and assignment addition U

10.67 MB

Online Integral Step-By-Step Calculator calculus:[✔] A indefinite integral[✔] A definite integral[✔] A improper integralCalculator support one-sign-sy

3.83 MB

包含英语四级, 六级, 考研, 雅思, 托福, GRE词库,单词有发音以及例句,支持乱序背诵、生词本、辞典等功能,可以自动科学安排新单词的学习以及生词复习过程。 程序保持小清新的风格,无广告,也无需联网。如果有建议欢迎留言评价:) 单词喵喵喵是一个开源软件,代码在 https://github.

3.51 MB

Have you ever heard of "Chinese pentatonic scale"? Not sure about what it is? Just download Chinese Band, and you'll find so much fun in it.This is an

6.9 MB
HTC Power To Give 2.10.771817

There are one billion smartphones in use today. The combined processing power of all these devices can truly revolutionize scientific research and mak

7.34 MB
Lucidity 2.1.3

Join hundred of thousands into learning how to master the art of lucid dreamingThe NEW lucid dreamer app with innovative features to help you lucid dr

16.58 MB

The student & Instructor online services - mobile version aims to ease interaction with student's services such as add-drop courses, show marks, show

6.53 MB
Studere 1.8.4

Studere, your solution for organizing scores and agenda!Its main functionality lies in suggesting your next score to reach a estabilished average and

3.05 MB
抄筆記 1.3.6

複製自動查,無需另開字典 app - 給你更流暢的閱讀體驗。----- 與抄筆記泡泡有關的重要小事 ❤ -----➤ 看到生字長按 ”複製” , 立即出動翻譯➤ 在各式各樣的 app 都可叫出➤ 茫茫英文海中一個安心的存在----- 為什麼抄筆記? -----單字連同文本原句作成專屬你的筆記然後

5 MB

金山背单词 ---躺着走着背单词 还在抱着厚厚的红宝书背单词吗?你OUT啦!还赖在床上纠结要不要起来背单词?你又OUT啦!!还在盘算着每天应该花多少小时背才能赶在考试前学完?为什么OUT的总是你!!!   你想要的是躺在床上背单词、走在路上背单词、守在车站背单词……你需要的是按照记忆

6.82 MB

本APP將TOEIC、TOEFL以及全民英檢共10000多個單字,以彈出式單字卡的方式定時在手機螢幕上出現及自動消失,在不打擾您使用手機的情況下,讓您瘋狂背單字,英語學習不中斷。本APP提供下列功能:1. 將全民英檢單字以及TOEIC單字,以飄浮視窗單字卡的方式,出現在手機螢幕最上層,讓您可背誦英文

5.14 MB
Arts & Culture VR

View artworks curated by museums from around the world with the Google Arts & Culture VR app. Step inside a virtual gallery to see works by artists li

24.54 MB

※ 打破稀缺语言学习壁垒,把技术交给需要的人;※ 我们有你需要的所有语言技术, 并且正在系统化、体系化!※ 致力于中国在线教育行业规范化!让互联网各类技术相关从业者工作更轻松;——给对生活有追求的人,提供更舒适的学习方式;——我们开发移动端的目的,是让你多一点比别人优秀的机会;—从电脑软件安装环境适

21.67 MB
译客传说 3.4.1

★Gather language enthusiasts over 40 million; the collection of Foreign news reading, translation in one APP★every day language lovers total online t

12.09 MB

What sign of zodiac were you born in? With the help of this little app you’ll discover the dates of the twelve Zodiac Signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Ca

35.05 MB

*** Learn English language when visiting English speaking countries ***All English phrases and words are presented to you in both phonetic and origina

33.13 MB