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Итоги 294712 загрузок В последней версии

Deciding where to eat takes forever. Either your friends / family can never agree on where to go, or you're feeling indecisive and can't pick. With Ra

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Dhobi Cart 1.1.1

Our simple and dynamic application is based solely on helping you with your laundry. We provide laundry services with pickup and drop facilities at yo

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Visit UoM 2022.3

Our self-guided campus tour app allows you to take tours of campus, learning more about our fantastic facilities and rich history. In addition to camp

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Locator 1.2

The Locator app highlights the benefits of technology advancement and acceptance for student safety. It aims at bridging the communication gap between

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QazaqApp 1.3

Qazaq App - это приложение, которое дает возможность каждому человеку выучить казахский язык, используя современные технологии и специально разработан

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Schneider 1.908

Mantené el catálogo de Distribuidora Schneider al día !!.. Consulta precios y enviá pedidos !

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Установив мобильное приложение центра эстетической косметологии KRAFTWAY® Вы сможете: - получать актуальную информацию о новинках в области эстетическ

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Unirea Iasi 1.5.2

Unirea Iasi Hotel official app. Access your Unirea Club loyalty account, the loyalty program of Unirea Iasi Hotel. See the menus and Book online at Pa

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Dulles, is an international airport in the eastern United States, located in Loudoun and Fairfax counties in Virginia, 26 miles (42 km) west of downto

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Orar RATB 2.3

* acum există și versiunea PRO, cu localizare, notificări despre statusul mijloacelor de transport RATB și fără reclame! * Cea mai exactă aplicație mo

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Malta Taxi 1.0.3

We warmly welcome you to our digital interface which we will be keeping updated with useful information which you can use all throughout your stay on

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Shimabara Castle, also known as Moritake Castle and Korai Castle, is a Japanese castle located in Shimabara, Hizen Province (present day Nagasaki pref

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TéZetka 1.1.7

Klíčové prvky: - Jedna aplikace pro správu Turistických známek, Výročních turistických známek i Turistických vizitek - Snadné vkládání nových trofejí

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Kodaikanal Attractions Travel applicaiton that presents all attractions, places that you can visit in and around Kodaikanal App that presents you the

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India Tour is app for tourist locations in india. We shows detailed information about each and every tourist places in this application. India tourism

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This dictionary includes 230 000 word in all 3 languages Tajik, Russian and English and can translate from any language (listed) to any other (listed)

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aks 1.10

「一起愛高雄」是由一群高雄在地好食好物的店家,因共同的理念而組成的群聚網,,期望用照顧家人的心意,堅持選用好的原料,不添加香精、色素、防腐劑或化學成分,用心生產家人可以安心食用的產品。 一起愛高雄APP提供喜愛高雄在地好物及旅遊的朋友們,一個便利搜集資訊的平台,讓您到高雄旅遊時,可以隨時透過手機或平

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高雄AR 1.0

亞洲新灣區 高雄港的改變,讓原本以物流及製造業的港口,轉型成爲人流、智慧型服務的港口,隨著「亞洲新灣區」建設進行產業轉型,逐步發展會展新興產業,在會展軟硬體條件逐漸整備下,且結合港灣城市形象,提升高雄的會展觀光吸引力,帶動更多國際會展活動在高雄舉辦。 愛河 愛河是孕育高雄文明的主要河川。過去愛河跟著

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吃喝大高雄 2015.08.03.00

高雄地區美食一把抓 背包客,旅遊客必載神器 不僅能提供美食資訊 還能導航到該目的地 美食愛好者必載工具

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『新竹自由行旅遊』 結合當地的相關旅遊資訊及美食推薦,讓您也不用做筆記,也能輕鬆玩透透!! 除了提供豐富的旅遊資料外,還有許多美麗景點的推薦與評論,讓您更快體驗到新竹之美,快加入分享的行列吧! 『新竹自由行旅遊』內容包含許多民宿業者的官方資訊、部落客推薦、交通部觀光局的公共資源,如有任何建議歡迎隨時

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