FinDAWay 2.03 [free]


Asylum seekers and refugees come from all over the world.
The Fin (DA) way application is used to support people seeking asylum and beneficiaries of international protection in their procedures.
The objective is to provide asylum seekers and refugees in the Var with immediately available individualized information, intended to promote their understanding of the asylum
application system and to accelerate their integration into French society.
These data must provide information relating to the local fabric of the Var and the administrations involved in the Var department (Var operators in charge of language courses,
food aid for the Var, social landlords in the Var, opening hours of the prefecture of Var ...)
This application facilitates asylum application procedures and the integration policy for refugees (access to rights, access to language training, housing and professional
integration). It voluntarily "brings together" audiences with different statuses in order to prepare for integration into society as early as possible.
- Geographic scope: department of Var, with possible experiments on smaller living areas (Hyères area for example). In the experimentation phase, the site will be delimited by a
structure that accommodates asylum seekers and refugees, in a reception structure or in alternative housing, so as to be able to quickly cross-reference user experience
- Public scope: asylum seekers and newcomer refugees (for less than 5 years) accommodated in structures or by their own means. Isolated or families.
- Scope of public policies: Asylum policy (Prefecture), access to citizenship and language (OFII and DDCS), access to family rights and benefits (CAF, CD via Cedis), access to
accommodation, housing and professional integration (FACE VAR, general and specialized accommodation structures, social housing, culture and sports and leisure activities,
cedis, employment center). Access to training and certification (DELF, university). Family and education support policies (REAAP, experimental classes, CLAS, etc.). The two
reference central administrations are the Directorate General for Foreigners in France (DGEF) and the Interministerial Directorate for the Reception and Integration of Refugees
Genesis of the project:
Until 2017, the reception desk for asylum seekers received around 300 asylum seekers per year. In recent months, this number has tended to increase very quickly to reach 500
people and the human resources dedicated to the first reception (1 FTE dedicated to the Var reception platform) are not sufficient to respond to requests for information and
supported qualitatively.
This same difficulty is found for refugee populations who arrive in the department through various channels and for whom the information services offered are insufficient and
unsuitable. In 2017, OFII Marseille recorded 1,035 newcomers (including refugees) signatories of the Republican Integration Contract (CIR) installed in the Var. These people
benefit from compulsory language training offered by OFII which can be supplemented by additional training.
A support system for housing and employment is being put in place in addition to existing common law aids, but it remains difficult to read for the user.
This application is intended for asylum seekers and refugees. The mobile phone application will draw its information from a website for professionals. This website will make it
possible to intervene on the contents of the application and to update the data. (CAF, Prefecture of Var, OFII…).

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  • Имя приложения: FinDAWay
  • категория: Путешествия
  • Код: fr.PrefectureVarDDCS.FindAway
  • В последней версии: 2.03
  • требование: 6.0 или выше
  • Размер файла : 14.53 MB
  • время обновления: 2023-02-01