/ 'yoodl,iz / verb: make practical and effective use of. //Rent and experience anything by Yoodlizing items in your community //Yoodlize your stuff to make extra cash
With Yoodlize you can find outdoor gear, electronics, power tools, or anything else you can think of to or from people in your area!
Have stuff lying around? Turn that clutter into cash by renting it out! The Yoodlize app makes it easy to create and share listings for everyday items you have that other people
want to use. Your stuff is safe and secure thanks to our user verification process and in-app transaction system.
Need something? Rent it from someone in your neighborhood with Yoodlize! Use the Yoodlize app to search for items and browse listings in your area. Once you find an item you
want to rent, our user verification process and in-app transaction system make pickup and drop off easy and safe for everyone!
With Yoodlize you can find outdoor gear, electronics, power tools, or anything else you can think of to or from people in your area!
Have stuff lying around? Turn that clutter into cash by renting it out! The Yoodlize app makes it easy to create and share listings for everyday items you have that other people
want to use. Your stuff is safe and secure thanks to our user verification process and in-app transaction system.
Need something? Rent it from someone in your neighborhood with Yoodlize! Use the Yoodlize app to search for items and browse listings in your area. Once you find an item you
want to rent, our user verification process and in-app transaction system make pickup and drop off easy and safe for everyone!
Старые версии
- 01/24/2023: Yoodlize 2.2.2
- Report a new version
- Имя приложения: Yoodlize
- категория: Социальные
- Код: com.yoodlize
- В последней версии: 2.2.2
- требование: 5.0 или выше
- Размер файла : 23.97 MB
- время обновления: 2023-01-24