A Geomain is a unique identifier (or name of your choice) that dynamically points to your location, or GPS coordinates. You can edit your GPS coordinates any time you move, or
relocate, keeping your Geomain the same. In this way, a Geomain is your address for life.
So weather you are ordering a cab, shipping or receiving a package, or calling friends over for the weekend, it makes more sense to share your Geomain instead of the long-form
Geomain is very feature rich: there is a QR Code for every Geomain, so navigating to a friend or business is now as easy as scanning a QR Code (we hate the Search-Scroll-Select
Also every Geomain comes with PIN Protection, so for the first time ever, you can share your ‘address’, without actually sharing your address, because unless you also share your
PIN number, no one can actually show up at your home/office location.
Grab your Geomain today before someone else does!
relocate, keeping your Geomain the same. In this way, a Geomain is your address for life.
So weather you are ordering a cab, shipping or receiving a package, or calling friends over for the weekend, it makes more sense to share your Geomain instead of the long-form
Geomain is very feature rich: there is a QR Code for every Geomain, so navigating to a friend or business is now as easy as scanning a QR Code (we hate the Search-Scroll-Select
Also every Geomain comes with PIN Protection, so for the first time ever, you can share your ‘address’, without actually sharing your address, because unless you also share your
PIN number, no one can actually show up at your home/office location.
Grab your Geomain today before someone else does!
Старые версии
- Имя приложения: Geomain — Digital ID & Address
- категория: Инструменты
- Код: com.geomain.geomain
- В последней версии: 1.0.11
- требование: 5.0 или выше
- Размер файла : 74.36 MB
- время обновления: 2022-10-23