お待たせしました! Taiyo Projectがお送りする2019年の新作スマホRPG! 脳みそを空っぽにして楽しめる、やりこみ型の放置ハクスラ&かわいい少女育成ロールプレイングゲーム!
その名も『救ってミラクルハンターZ!』、通称「スクミズ!」をどうぞよろしくお願いします!ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ パッ☆
=== スクミズ!ってどんなRPGなの? ===
ただの放置ハクスラRPGと思うことなかれ! ちょっとお前盛り過ぎだろ……ってぐらい、これでもかとハックアンドスラッシュなやりこみ要素を詰め込みました!
▼やりこみ要素① レベルアップ&上限突破
▼やりこみ要素② 材質による性能格差
▼やりこみ要素③ 中二病のあなたに送る二つ名
もちろん、付けた二つ名によってステータス値がきっちりかっちり増減! ロールプレイングのハクスラ要素を盛り上げます!
▼やりこみ要素④ スキルカスタマイズ
▼やりこみ要素⑤ プレイスタイルに応じた育成(キャラビルド)が楽しめる
▼やりこみ要素⑥ 多種多様な能力を持つ仲間たち
▼やりこみ要素⑦ 職業(ジョブスタイル)を変えてさらなる進化を
▼やりこみ要素⑧ ???
ダメ! もう書ききれないっ!
=== 前作「放置&ハクスラ系RPG ソウルクリスタル」のプレイヤー様へ ===
※ソルクリのユーザーIDは「放置&ハクスラ系RPG ソウルクリスタル」内の設定画面にてご確認いただけます。
=== スクミズ!はこんな人におすすめ ===
・The fate of a girl. 少女は戦いという運命を受け入れた。
=== その他情報 ===
以下、放置ハクスラRPG 救ってミラクルハンターZ! に関するその他の情報です。
アプリはUnity製のため、なるべく新しい端末(Android 6.0以上)の方が快適にプレイしていただけます。
m(_ _)mペコリ
Taiyo Project (http://taiyoproject.com/)
放置ハクスラRPG 救ってミラクルハンターZ!(スクミズ!) 紹介ページ (http://taiyoproject.com/sukumizu1/teaser/)
This is a story of love, courage and friendship where one girl adores to the legendary hunter "Z" adventure! (Maybe!
Sorry I made you wait! The smaho RPG 5th bulletin sent by Taiyo Project! Enjoy enjoying your brains empty, leaving untouchable Huxson and cute girls raising RPG!
Its name is "Save Miracle Hunter Z! Thank you very much, so-called "Sukumizu!"ヽ (゚ ∀ ゚) ノ パ ☆
=== Scums! What kind of RPG is it? ===
Just do not think I will leave Hakusura RPG! I guess it's too much for you .... I packed up hack-and-slash innovative elements like this yet!
I would like to introduce a part of that system briefly!
▼ Ingestion element ① Level up & breaking through upper limit
All equipment items and battle skills can be strengthened by level up!
Even items that have reached the highest level power up infinitely by breaking through the limit!
If you train a knife just dropped by a small fish it will be as strong as the legendary holy sword! What? (However, it is masochistically dead !!!)
▼ Incorporated element ② Performance disparity due to material
All equipment items have set up what is made of the equipment!
For example, even with the same long sword, the long sword made of "lead" and the long sword made of "Orichalcum" have a big difference in basic performance ...!
It is OK even if it is like playing the material tied up for anyone who is inevitable in leisure!
▼ Incorporated element ③ Two people to send you to the second child disease
Equipped items with attachment can be given a cool parent name!
"Last Hero" "Bride of Blood" "Noble Lady" etc.
Of course, depending on the two names attached, the status value exactly increases and decreases exactly! We will raise the HUXURA element of role playing!
▼ Incorporated element ④ Skill customization
Even with the same skill
So even with the same kind of skill, I tried to customize according to the play style like "Consumption MP increases but power 2 times" or "Power and consumption MP does
not change but cool time is shortened"!
It seems that it is not a big deal and it is convenient function of transcendence when you actually play!
▼ Incorporated element ⑤ Enjoy cultivating according to play style
All battle is automatic progress!
So do not forget to enjoy basic performance as a neglected game!
You can set strong skills and items and proceed with a goggle like a tap game or a clicker game!
It is also good to become a rare drop hunter that squeezes with drag options upgraded equipment options and auxiliary items to explore the dungeon!
You can enjoy various training depending on play style and idea!
▼ Incorporated element ⑥? What? What?
No good! I can not write it anymore!
So please do enjoy it after actually installing.
* Since short tutorials will be included when playing for the first time, even those unfamiliar with neglect RPG or Hakusura RPG can play with confidence.
=== For those who played the previous work "Leave & Huxley RPG Soul Crystal" ===
Seoul Crystal's user ID, Scrums! It can be entered at the start or in game setting screen.
Depending on Solkuri's game progress situation, I will give a gift although it is modest, so please enter it if you have a user ID.
※ User ID of Solkuri can be confirmed on the setting screen inside "Leave & Huckler RPG Soul Crystal".
* For soldiers who have not played, gifts are not something like collapsing the game balance, so it is okay not to bother to play Solkuri. Please be relieved.
=== Scums! Recommended for people like this ===
(Oh, it does not have to be read here) It is nice. (· ∀ ·) Nico
· I love cute girls fighting games.
· If you see dungeons and quests with high difficulty, excitement can not be suppressed.
· I do not care that girls' buddies are fine even with green slime.
· I love adventure fantasy living in other world.
· Swords and magic, girls and dragons, can not help moaning such a world view.
· Three rice can be eaten with fantasy.
The girl accepted the fate of battle.
Burn to random elements like rare drops and rare options.
· I want to make a huge search path far deeper than the abyss.
· I love cute little girls' apps.
· I want to leave the girl.
· It fell in love with that figure that a girl who was neglected in a flock of enemy intrusive monsters thrash the enemy as much as to say that it is a lash.
· I think that the character of dot picture walking with TechtechTech is cute.
· I want to enjoy solo play silently silently in an environment where I can do it offline alone. (However, online environment is necessary for this work to acquire time
information etc.)
· It is a fan of personal development application equal to or more than popular work of large enterprises.
· I want to enjoy popular role-playing game works.
· Let's keep on abandoned games.
· Left-handed system, left-over type, Hooray. Anyway I am a bit committed to how to play games named abandoned.
· I am proud that I have played all the popular Huckla (Hack and Slash).
· I am watching a microcosm of life on a hack and slash.
· It is worth living up to run applications free of basic play.
· I love role-playing game (rope).
· Generation that said RPG (role playing game) as rope.
· I can say with confidence that "Auru Pier, that is my teacher."
· I like free breeding games.
· I like a strong girl as cute as a girl.
· It is my motivation to nurture beautiful girls.
· Try playing free games at least once.
· I like the dungeon RPG where many dungeons and quests are prepared.
· It takes time to commute and go to school so I want to enjoy Pikopico RPG with one hand for freezing.
=== Other information ===
Below, leave Hakusla RPG save Miracle Hunter Z! Other information about.
▼ Recommended Specifications
Since the application is made by Unity, the new terminal (Android 6.0 or higher) is better able to play as much as possible.
Although it works even with older devices, there is a possibility that the action becomes heavy somewhat due to effects during battle. Please note.
We support not only smartphones but also tablet devices, so please enjoy your adventure with your favorite terminal.
▼ Other comments
Review, live comment, both are welcome.
If you have any questions about the application please contact us anytime.
As shown in the screenshot I posted, we are planning an additional update of several new systems at the moment including back dungeon and special synthesis system.
Only motivation of developers is the key to the update, so if you think that this work is interesting, I'd be happy if your friends recommend it!
Thank you very much. m (_ _) m Pecori
▼ Producer information
·Planning and development
Taiyo Project (http://taiyoproject.com/)
※ The name of the supplier of various materials is described on this page.
Abandon Huxla RPG Save Miracle Hunter Z! (Schmizz!) Introduction page (http://taiyoproject.com/sukumizu1/teaser/)
お待たせしました! Taiyo Projectがお送りする2019年の新作スマホRPG! 脳みそを空っぽにして楽しめる、やりこみ型の放置ハクスラ&かわいい少女育成ロールプレイングゲーム!
その名も『救ってミラクルハンターZ!』、通称「スクミズ!」をどうぞよろしくお願いします!ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ パッ☆
=== スクミズ!ってどんなRPGなの? ===
ただの放置ハクスラRPGと思うことなかれ! ちょっとお前盛り過ぎだろ……ってぐらい、これでもかとハックアンドスラッシュなやりこみ要素を詰め込みました!
▼やりこみ要素① レベルアップ&上限突破
▼やりこみ要素② 材質による性能格差
▼やりこみ要素③ 中二病のあなたに送る二つ名
もちろん、付けた二つ名によってステータス値がきっちりかっちり増減! ロールプレイングのハクスラ要素を盛り上げます!
▼やりこみ要素④ スキルカスタマイズ
▼やりこみ要素⑤ プレイスタイルに応じた育成(キャラビルド)が楽しめる
▼やりこみ要素⑥ 多種多様な能力を持つ仲間たち
▼やりこみ要素⑦ 職業(ジョブスタイル)を変えてさらなる進化を
▼やりこみ要素⑧ ???
ダメ! もう書ききれないっ!
=== 前作「放置&ハクスラ系RPG ソウルクリスタル」のプレイヤー様へ ===
※ソルクリのユーザーIDは「放置&ハクスラ系RPG ソウルクリスタル」内の設定画面にてご確認いただけます。
=== スクミズ!はこんな人におすすめ ===
・The fate of a girl. 少女は戦いという運命を受け入れた。
=== その他情報 ===
以下、放置ハクスラRPG 救ってミラクルハンターZ! に関するその他の情報です。
アプリはUnity製のため、なるべく新しい端末(Android 6.0以上)の方が快適にプレイしていただけます。
m(_ _)mペコリ
Taiyo Project (http://taiyoproject.com/)
放置ハクスラRPG 救ってミラクルハンターZ!(スクミズ!) 紹介ページ (http://taiyoproject.com/sukumizu1/teaser/)
This is a story of love, courage and friendship where one girl adores to the legendary hunter "Z" adventure! (Maybe!
Sorry I made you wait! The smaho RPG 5th bulletin sent by Taiyo Project! Enjoy enjoying your brains empty, leaving untouchable Huxson and cute girls raising RPG!
Its name is "Save Miracle Hunter Z! Thank you very much, so-called "Sukumizu!"ヽ (゚ ∀ ゚) ノ パ ☆
=== Scums! What kind of RPG is it? ===
Just do not think I will leave Hakusura RPG! I guess it's too much for you .... I packed up hack-and-slash innovative elements like this yet!
I would like to introduce a part of that system briefly!
▼ Ingestion element ① Level up & breaking through upper limit
All equipment items and battle skills can be strengthened by level up!
Even items that have reached the highest level power up infinitely by breaking through the limit!
If you train a knife just dropped by a small fish it will be as strong as the legendary holy sword! What? (However, it is masochistically dead !!!)
▼ Incorporated element ② Performance disparity due to material
All equipment items have set up what is made of the equipment!
For example, even with the same long sword, the long sword made of "lead" and the long sword made of "Orichalcum" have a big difference in basic performance ...!
It is OK even if it is like playing the material tied up for anyone who is inevitable in leisure!
▼ Incorporated element ③ Two people to send you to the second child disease
Equipped items with attachment can be given a cool parent name!
"Last Hero" "Bride of Blood" "Noble Lady" etc.
Of course, depending on the two names attached, the status value exactly increases and decreases exactly! We will raise the HUXURA element of role playing!
▼ Incorporated element ④ Skill customization
Even with the same skill
So even with the same kind of skill, I tried to customize according to the play style like "Consumption MP increases but power 2 times" or "Power and consumption MP does
not change but cool time is shortened"!
It seems that it is not a big deal and it is convenient function of transcendence when you actually play!
▼ Incorporated element ⑤ Enjoy cultivating according to play style
All battle is automatic progress!
So do not forget to enjoy basic performance as a neglected game!
You can set strong skills and items and proceed with a goggle like a tap game or a clicker game!
It is also good to become a rare drop hunter that squeezes with drag options upgraded equipment options and auxiliary items to explore the dungeon!
You can enjoy various training depending on play style and idea!
▼ Incorporated element ⑥? What? What?
No good! I can not write it anymore!
So please do enjoy it after actually installing.
* Since short tutorials will be included when playing for the first time, even those unfamiliar with neglect RPG or Hakusura RPG can play with confidence.
=== For those who played the previous work "Leave & Huxley RPG Soul Crystal" ===
Seoul Crystal's user ID, Scrums! It can be entered at the start or in game setting screen.
Depending on Solkuri's game progress situation, I will give a gift although it is modest, so please enter it if you have a user ID.
※ User ID of Solkuri can be confirmed on the setting screen inside "Leave & Huckler RPG Soul Crystal".
* For soldiers who have not played, gifts are not something like collapsing the game balance, so it is okay not to bother to play Solkuri. Please be relieved.
=== Scums! Recommended for people like this ===
(Oh, it does not have to be read here) It is nice. (· ∀ ·) Nico
· I love cute girls fighting games.
· If you see dungeons and quests with high difficulty, excitement can not be suppressed.
· I do not care that girls' buddies are fine even with green slime.
· I love adventure fantasy living in other world.
· Swords and magic, girls and dragons, can not help moaning such a world view.
· Three rice can be eaten with fantasy.
The girl accepted the fate of battle.
Burn to random elements like rare drops and rare options.
· I want to make a huge search path far deeper than the abyss.
· I love cute little girls' apps.
· I want to leave the girl.
· It fell in love with that figure that a girl who was neglected in a flock of enemy intrusive monsters thrash the enemy as much as to say that it is a lash.
· I think that the character of dot picture walking with TechtechTech is cute.
· I want to enjoy solo play silently silently in an environment where I can do it offline alone. (However, online environment is necessary for this work to acquire time
information etc.)
· It is a fan of personal development application equal to or more than popular work of large enterprises.
· I want to enjoy popular role-playing game works.
· Let's keep on abandoned games.
· Left-handed system, left-over type, Hooray. Anyway I am a bit committed to how to play games named abandoned.
· I am proud that I have played all the popular Huckla (Hack and Slash).
· I am watching a microcosm of life on a hack and slash.
· It is worth living up to run applications free of basic play.
· I love role-playing game (rope).
· Generation that said RPG (role playing game) as rope.
· I can say with confidence that "Auru Pier, that is my teacher."
· I like free breeding games.
· I like a strong girl as cute as a girl.
· It is my motivation to nurture beautiful girls.
· Try playing free games at least once.
· I like the dungeon RPG where many dungeons and quests are prepared.
· It takes time to commute and go to school so I want to enjoy Pikopico RPG with one hand for freezing.
=== Other information ===
Below, leave Hakusla RPG save Miracle Hunter Z! Other information about.
▼ Recommended Specifications
Since the application is made by Unity, the new terminal (Android 6.0 or higher) is better able to play as much as possible.
Although it works even with older devices, there is a possibility that the action becomes heavy somewhat due to effects during battle. Please note.
We support not only smartphones but also tablet devices, so please enjoy your adventure with your favorite terminal.
▼ Other comments
Review, live comment, both are welcome.
If you have any questions about the application please contact us anytime.
As shown in the screenshot I posted, we are planning an additional update of several new systems at the moment including back dungeon and special synthesis system.
Only motivation of developers is the key to the update, so if you think that this work is interesting, I'd be happy if your friends recommend it!
Thank you very much. m (_ _) m Pecori
▼ Producer information
·Planning and development
Taiyo Project (http://taiyoproject.com/)
※ The name of the supplier of various materials is described on this page.
Abandon Huxla RPG Save Miracle Hunter Z! (Schmizz!) Introduction page (http://taiyoproject.com/sukumizu1/teaser/)
Старые версии
- 07/25/2019: 放置ハクスラRPG 救ってミラクルハンターZ!(スクミズ!) 1.3.5
- 05/28/2019: 放置ハクスラRPG 救ってミラクルハンターZ!(スクミズ!) 1.3.1
- Report a new version
- Имя приложения: 放置ハクスラRPG 救ってミラクルハンターZ!(スクミズ!)
- категория: Ролевые игры
- Код: com.taiyoproject.game.sukumizu1
- В последней версии: 1.3.5
- требование: 4.3 или выше
- Размер файла : 68.94 MB
- время обновления: 2019-07-25