Numerology - Rediscover Your Life Purpose 3.1.2 [free]


Numerology is based on an assumption that numbers and information derived from your date of birth will help you get a better understanding of yourself, your talents,
virtues and your shortcomings.
Most people don't have a clear understanding of their life purpose. Life purpose is best described in Life path number or Personal number. This number tells us about your
innate traits, skills and abilities. Keep in mind that Life path / personal number requires real, honest work on your part in order to make use of your full
Biorhythm number tells us about the way people perceive us. Since this number is our reflection in the eyes of others, it can help us see some of our traits, strengths and
weaknesses. We are often blind when it comes to our own magnificence.
The generation number will give you information about the best way to realize your potential. It describes the generation you were born in.
Personal year, personal month, and personal day are described in the numerology forecast chart, also known as Numeroscope (horoscope in astrology). Numerology forecast
chart, as well as astrology horoscope, will give you a forecast of events for a given year, month, and day. Although Numerology provides plenty of information, there is no
possibility of predicting what kind of choices a person will make in life, nor can we conclusively determine whether his or her life will be resolved positively or
negatively. Numeroscope, like horoscope, gives guidance and advice, and it's up to you whether you will follow them.
Comparative analysis of partners, or synastry, tells about the compatibility of partners. Synastry chart is based on the dates of birth. This comparative analysis doesn't
have to be for an emotional partner, it can also be applied to work and friendships, as well as any other kind of relationships.
Daily affirmations, as a very powerful tool, has the purpose of making our days easier and encouraging us on the road to achieving our goals. Inspirational messages and
affirmations for every day are carefully selected and in line with the personal day.
Crystals, gems or semi-precious stones have been used since the ancient times because of their beneficial energy. Numerology application contains recommendations of
crystals for each life path / personal number, as well as a recommendation for a personal year. Crystals help us raise our energy and vibration, provide happiness,
abundance, protection and wisdom.
The way you lead your life depends on you, while Numerology is here to guide you to a better, happier and more fulfilling life.
This apps generates a free western Pythagorean numerology chart and supports phones and tablets.

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  • Имя приложения: Numerology - Rediscover Your Life Purpose
  • категория: Стиль жизни
  • Код: com.mirofox.numerologija
  • В последней версии: 3.1.2
  • требование: 4.4 или выше
  • Размер файла : 15.61 MB
  • время обновления: 2020-02-11